
Debs Park Birds: Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered hawks are one of the stunning raptor species that call Debs Park home. As a medium-sized hawk, Red-shouldered hawks are noticeably smaller than their Red-tailed counterparts. They have a small rounded head, slim body, broad wings, and a medium-length tail that fans out when they fly. They are beautifully colored birds with a rust colored chest, dark brown and white checkered wings, and black and white striped tail feathers. Red-shouldered hawks can typically be found soaring through the sky or perched in trees, where they hunt small mammals and reptiles. As you can see in the photo above, this particular Red-shouldered hawk is about to chow down on a lizard! 

Keep your ears and eyes open for the Red-shouldered hawk next time you're in Debs Park! One of the best ways to spot a Red-shouldred hawk is by listening for their distinctive call. Check it out HERE!

Bird Feeder Donations Welcome!

Do you or someone you know have any extra bird feeders lying around? If so, we will gladly take them off your hands & give them a new home here at the Center! We can guarantee they’ll get a LOT of use.

We recently had a number of our feeders stolen & are hoping to put some back up as soon as we can. Any donations are sincerely appreciated! We especially have a need for hummingbird feeders and suet feeders, but all feeders are more than welcome.

Donations can be dropped off at the Center Wed through Mon, 8am - 4pm. Please contact with any questions!

Meet Chelsea! Community Conservation Fellow

Please join us in welcoming Chelsea Abrahamian to the Debs Park team! 

Chelsea, native to the San Fernando Valley and currently living in Simi Valley, is extremely excited to be a part of the Audubon Debs Park team. Being in an urban environment, she didn't grow up visiting natural spaces often, but still developed a fascination with the natural world. During her time as an undergraduate at Brigham Young University where she majored in Environmental Science and minored in International Development, she fostered her love for science by participating in research in microbial ecology. She also gained an interest in issues of environmental justice. Being both Salvadorian and Armenian and speaking both languages, diversity and representation are an important part of her worldview. Chelsea believes that environmental problems are closely intertwined with social justice issues and is most excited to be a part of Audubon Debs Park for their holistic, people-focused approach to conservation issues.

Chelsea is an avid outdoorswoman and in her free time loves hiking, diving, bird watching, painting, and native plant gardening. She is a volunteer diver at the California Science Center and helps survey kelp forests with Reef Check. Her research interests include ecology, climate change, and environmental justice. She also loves nature photography, and most loves shooting birds on her DSLR and underwater scenes on film. Her favorite bird is the Belted Kingfisher.

In her role as Community Conservation Fellow, Chelsea will be focusing on community-based habitat restoration efforts in Debs Park over the course of the next year. Come on out to an upcoming Habitat Restoration volunteer event to meet Chelsea & learn more! 

Meet Samuel! UCSB Bren Summer Intern

Please join us in welcoming Samuel Cervantes to the Debs Park team!

Born and raised in South Central Los Angeles, Samuel has never had the opportunity to explore much of nature or be part of many green spaces within his neighborhood. Realizing this fact and other environmental injustices when growing up in an area such as South Central Los Angeles, he wanted to find a way to mend these issues. He was drawn to the world of environmentalism. He is now pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies B.S. at the University of California Santa Barbara and is entering his third year. Samuel is excited to be a part of The Audubon Center at Debs Park family throughout the summer, thanks to an internship funded by the Arnhold Undergraduate Research Fellows Program. He hopes to learn a lot this summer and be a valuable part of this community while getting experience in conservation at the local level.

Samuel is interested in gardening, hikes, and all things nature-related, making this internship much more exciting and fulfilling. His favorite pastime is going on walks and observing the surrounding area. Samuel's favorite bird is the Red-Tailed Hawk due to its colorful pattern and size. Samuel is most excited about meeting new people and being able to educate individuals in his and surrounding communities about nature and the importance of green spaces.

Throughout his internship, Samuel will be focusing on community engagement and will be working to find creative ways to share the resources that the Center has to offer with local community members. 

The Bren Environmental Diversity Leaders and Internship Program is designed to advance diversity, catalyze environmental careers for particularly promising students in the environmental and natural sciences, support students’ financial needs, and further build partnerships with organizations committed to improving equity in the environmental, sustainability and conservation field. With a combination of learning communities, career exploration and skills workshops, and paired internships with graduate students, the Bren Environmental Diversity Leaders and Internship Program is focused on building a pipeline of underrepresented students trained for success as graduate students and in the workforce. This recently launched program seeks to identify and mentor students to become future leaders in the environmental field.

Audubon Youth Leaders - Spring 2022

Audubon Youth Leaders - Spring 2022

Meet our Spring cohort of Audubon Youth Leaders!

Pasadena Audubon Presents "Birding Guide to the Greater Pasadena Area"

With a wide range of habitats and more than 300 species of birds, the Pasadena region has long been known as a premiere birder's destination. Now, with the Guide, birdwatchers of all skills -- from beginner to expert -- can discover all the birding delights the region has to offer.
The write-up for each of the 30 profiled sites includes everything a birdwatcher needs -- a map of the site, directions on how to get there, what paths and trails to take once you arrive, and what birds to look for every season of the year. The Guide also includes comprehensive accessibility information for each site.
Introductory sections on the geography and climate of the region, as well as the special role fire plays in shaping the ecology of the area, will deepen the reader's knowledge and appreciation of the Pasadena area. And with stunning watercolor illustrations of area birds by world-renowned bird artist Catherine Hamilton, the new Guide is as beautiful as it is useful.
The Birding Guide to the Greater Pasadena Area is being published in both English and Spanish by the Pasadena Audubon Society (PAS). PAS will donate 20% of the copies to schools, libraries, nature centers, etc., and sell the remainder through retail outlets and online. The proceeds of the sales will fund PAS educational programs such as the Bird Science Program, Pasadena Audubon Grants program and the Schoolyard Habitat Garden program. The 182-page book retails for $20.

Visit their website for more info on where to purchase!

We're Hiring! Community Conservation Fellow 2022 - 2023

Join the Audubon Center at Debs Park team! 

We are currently accepting applications for a Community Conservation Fellow. This is a 12-month, part-time position that will be starting July 1, 2022. This position is a great fit for anyone interested in habitat restoration, community engagement, and youth leadership development. Previous experience in conservation work is not required. 


Please contact with any questions. 

Coffee & Birding with Assemblymember Carrillo - April 23, 2022

Coffee & Birding with Assemblymember Carrillo - April 23, 2022

Community Conservation Fellow Jansy Alvarado reflects on her hike with Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo

Spring Migrant Highlight - Lazuli Bunting

Photo: Russell Campbell

One of our favorite spring migrants, Lazuli Buntings are a small, finch-like bird that can be found here in Debs Park and around Los Angeles in the spring and summer months. The males are a striking blue with a rusty orange chest while the females are a light greyish-brown. Lazuli Buntings typically enjoy brushy and wooded areas on hillsides or near streams, where they can be found perched and singing on exposed branches or hopping among the foliage - although if you're lucky, you may catch one at a backyard feeder as well! 

During breeding season - Lazuli Bunting males are often found singing and defending their territory. Each bird will create a unique song to distinguish themselves and their territory. Listen to some of their calls & songs HERE!

If you keep your eyes and ears open, you may be able to find a Lazuli Bunting up by Peanut Lake! If you're not feeling confident enough to go out on your own yet, join us for a Community Bird Walk on Saturday, May 21st which will be led by expert SoCal birder, Dan Cooper! 

Photo: Russell Campbell

Photos taken by Russell Campbell in Debs Park

Instagram: russell_campbell_wildlife 

Introducing Human/Nature with Center Director, Marcos Trinidad!

Join Marcos as he embarks on a journey exploring the fascinating, complicated, and inspiring world of urban nature in LAist Studio's newest podcast: Human/Nature:

Human/Nature, a podcast with a wild yet inspiring thesis: if you step outside and reconnect with nature in your own city, you’ll feel better, reconnect with yourself, and find your place in the world. This podcast will empower you to reclaim your attention. Spending time in nature isn’t just good for our minds — in this tech obsessed culture — it’s the ultimate form of resistance. 


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