
Monuments, sanctuaries, and offshore oil drilling -- an explainer

Monuments, sanctuaries, and offshore oil drilling -- an explainer

All these comments on all these actions by the Trump Administration are confusing. Let's break it down.

Pacific Americas Shorebird Conservation Strategy

Pacific Americas Shorebird Conservation Strategy

Audubon is partnering with other conservation organizations to protect shorebirds across the Pacific Flyway.

Settlement reached in Panoche Valley Solar Project

Settlement reached in Panoche Valley Solar Project

A settlement agreement was reached to reduce the size of the Panoche Valley Solar Project that will conserve important grassland habitat for rare and endangered species as well as advance renewable energy and create local jobs.

Support for new offshore oil drilling falls to record low in California

Support for new offshore oil drilling falls to record low in California

Despite stiff opposition, the Trump Administration continues push to open new drilling off California coast.

We need to protect California's ocean 'savannas'

We need to protect California's ocean 'savannas'

The four national marine sanctuaries off the coast of California are every bit as rich with wildlife and rarified natural treasures as our national parks on land.

The fight continues for responsible water management in California’s Central Valley

The fight continues for responsible water management in California’s Central Valley

Audubon California and other conservation groups vow to oppose H.R. 23 in the Senate.

Salton Sea Sunday campaign seeks to raise community awareness

Salton Sea Sunday campaign seeks to raise community awareness

Audubon California partners with faith-based groups to reach people who live in communities around the Salton Sea about issues related to the shrinking lake.

California renews its leadership on climate change

California renews its leadership on climate change

Passage of Assembly Bill 398 reauthorizes landmark cap-and-trade program and will reduce air pollution in California’s communities. It will be great for birds, too.

Audubon California supports Assembly Bills 398 and 617

Audubon California supports Assembly Bills 398 and 617

With the Trump Administration completely abandoning any effort to address the climate change crisis, the State of California must lead on this vital issue to both birds and people.

Farming for birds at River Garden Farms

Farming for birds at River Garden Farms

The Yolo County farm finds innovative ways to benefit wildlife on its property

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