Great group from Google Irvine braves tough So Cal heat to bring back sanctuary's historic bunkhouse.
Los Angeles Youth discover the tumultuous history of the valley
Volunteers at the Audubon Center at Debs Park help turn urban park in a bird-friendly oasis.
Audubon California joined with Defenders of Wildlife and Sierra Club to ensure that public health and environmental issues are addressed.
Boards of supervisors in each county are prepping a letter supporting the shrinking of the Giant Sequoia National Monument. Our voices can stop them.
Groups gather in Los Angeles to defend vital access to wildlands for Angelenos.
Community turns out in Indio in support of three area national monuments under review by the Administration.
Decision provides an opportunity to ensure protection of a key place for birds on the West Coast
Read Brenda Rees's article in the Eastsider this week.
We send out periodic emails about programs, events, and volunteer opportunities at the Center.
Audubon Center at Debs Park is located at 4700 Griffin Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90031
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Trail Hours:
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