
2018 – the Year of the Bird!

2018 – the Year of the Bird!

2018 is the Year of the Bird, and it's time for us to spread our wings and advocate for birds around the world.

Wanted: Volunteers for Short-eared Owl Survey

Wanted: Volunteers for Short-eared Owl Survey

Volunteers needed for a breeding season survey of Short-eared Owls.

Embattled Southwestern Willow Flycatcher to remain on Endangered Species List

Embattled Southwestern Willow Flycatcher to remain on Endangered Species List

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service rejects petition from developers in a victory for sound science.

Who's been visiting Starr Ranch lately?

Who's been visiting Starr Ranch lately?

Staff at the Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary in Orange County have been monitoring bird populations for almost 20 years. Learn more about these long term efforts and find out which birds have been visiting lately.

A committed voice for conservation in the Central Valley

A committed voice for conservation in the Central Valley

Audubon supporter, chapter leader, board member, and volunteer, Ann Brice, is a committed voice for conservation in the Central Valley.

118th Christmas Bird Count is underway!

118th Christmas Bird Count

Learn more about the Christmas Bird Count and how you can get involved with community science at Audubon year round.

One event, three bird heroes and a legacy to remember

One event, three bird heroes and a legacy to remember

Two Audubon California supporters share their passions for native plants and birds at a great event this past November.

Protect the Water, Protect Life

Protect the Water, Protect Life

In late October, members of the Paiute and Tongva tribes gathered at the Audubon Center at Debs Park to welcome walkers from the Walking Water pilgrimage

Salton Sea and the way it was

Salton Sea and the way it was

Visiting the Salton Sea these days means recognizing that it won't ever be the same.

Talking about Southern California fires

Talking about Southern California fires

As fired rage throughout Southern California, Sandy DeSimone gives a little perspective.

How you can help, right now