
High School students learn how conservation and agriculture work together

High School students learn how conservation and agriculture work together

Through ongoing partnerships Audubon California works with farmers and students to connect habitat and increase conservation on working lands

Making birding, conservation and philanthropy a family tradition

Making birding, conservation and philanthropy a family tradition

The Ranzs have turned their love of birds and nature into a family commitment to support sustainable environmental causes.

Congratulations to the 2018 Collaborative Grant Awardees!

Congratulations to the 2018 Collaborative Grant Awardees!

Eight California chapters will receive funding for conservation, education, and monitoring programs that will benefit local communities and birds.

Eight years of the Grebe Project

Eight years of the Grebe Project

Northern California chapters monitor grebes and educate the public about this fascinating, charismatic species.

Update on proposal to move Oakland A's Stadium near Lake Merritt

Update on proposal to move Oakland A's Stadium near Lake Merritt

The proposal, opposed by Golden Gate Audubon, has stalled as Peralta Community College rejected plans to build the new stadium on land owned by the district.

2018 – the Year of the Bird!

2018 – the Year of the Bird!

2018 is the Year of the Bird, and it's time for us to spread our wings and advocate for birds around the world.

Wanted: Volunteers for Short-eared Owl Survey

Wanted: Volunteers for Short-eared Owl Survey

Volunteers needed for a breeding season survey of Short-eared Owls.

Embattled Southwestern Willow Flycatcher to remain on Endangered Species List

Embattled Southwestern Willow Flycatcher to remain on Endangered Species List

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service rejects petition from developers in a victory for sound science.

Who's been visiting Starr Ranch lately?

Who's been visiting Starr Ranch lately?

Staff at the Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary in Orange County have been monitoring bird populations for almost 20 years. Learn more about these long term efforts and find out which birds have been visiting lately.

A committed voice for conservation in the Central Valley

A committed voice for conservation in the Central Valley

Audubon supporter, chapter leader, board member, and volunteer, Ann Brice, is a committed voice for conservation in the Central Valley.

How you can help, right now