Evelyn Serrano

Center Director

As a native Angelino, Evelyn is very excited to be part of the Audubon Center at Debs Park crew. Growing up in South Central Los Angeles, she has always enjoyed walks in her neighborhood and finding the hidden gems where nature thrives in the cityscape. As a kid she looked forward to three-day weekends when she would get to go camping. She disliked the food prep, packing up the car, and what felt like an extra-long car ride, but she loved sitting by the river, running around, and using the trees to play hide and seek. When not working you can find Evelyn hiking, tide pooling, or playing board games. 

Evelyn earned her Bachelor's Degree from the University of California- Santa Cruz (UCSC) in Marine Biology and her Master's degree from the California State University- Fullerton (CSFU) in Conservation Biology. As an undergrad she was a docent at the Seymour Center, a small aquarium in Santa Cruz, where she was exposed to the world of informal education. While completing her Master's degree Evelyn realized that she loved teaching outdoors and utilizing everything around her to connect people with the natural world around them, and to inspire excitement and curiosity. She spent 11 years as a member of the Education Department at the California Science Center in Exposition Park. She is excited to use her experience to connect people with nature and empower our visitors to see themselves as naturalists.  

Articles by Evelyn Serrano

The Story of the Lincoln Heights California Native Plant Corridor

The Story of the Lincoln Heights California Native Plant Corridor

— An interview with Marie Massa.

New faces at the Audubon Center at Debs Park

— Stop by and say hi!
Community Conservation Fellow Update

Community Conservation Fellow Update

— Welcome Melany

Habitat Restoration at Rio de Los Angeles State Park

— Building habitat with partners and community members

Youth Programs 2022-2023

— Engaging youth in conservation!
Pachanga de las Americas 2022

Pachanga de las Americas 2022

— A beautiful day celebrating the migration of people and birds across the Americas!