Facility Rentals

Birthday Circle

All rental spaces are available between 7:45am - 4pm only, including set up and clean up, unless special arrangements are made.

If you or someone you know has a child who loves exploring nature and enjoys playing outdoors, then you might want to consider the Center for an upcoming birthday party! 

  • Exclusive use of the Birthday Circle area (site visits may be scheduled upon request)

  • Shared use of the Children’s Woodland and courtyard  

  • Chairs, tables, and a canopy are available upon request  

  • Use of shared kitchen space (food prep and storage only)  

  • Use of shared restrooms 


20 kids and 10 adults 



Birthday parties are not permitted at the Center unless you 've reserved a space. If the birthday circle isn't the right option for you, consider hosting your party on the other side of Debs Park via the Monterey Road entrance. This area of the park is managed by LA City Parks and more info on reservations and availability can be found here: https://www.laparks.org/park/ernest-e-debs-regional 

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