On Saturday, August 24th the Audubon Center at Debs Park teamed up with Councilmember Gil Cedillo’s office, Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council, and The Mission Continues to clean up the Veteran’s Memorial Square and celebrate the installation of its brand new fountain! We had over 25 community members from CD1, Franklin High School, Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council, The Mission Continues, Los Angeles Conservation Corps Environmental Club, and local veterans come out to clean up trash, pull invasive weeds, and mulch the area. We also planted 13 California native plants including Lord’s Candle Yucca and California live oak!
This community space on the intersection of York Blvd and Figueroa Street is now open to the public – so go check out the brand new fountain and California native plants. Also, stay tuned for some more improvements at the Veteran’s Memorial Square and opportunities to participate! We hope to see you there!
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