
San Diego Audubon leading the charge for Mission Bay wetlands restoration

San Diego Audubon leading the charge for Mission Bay wetlands restoration

Through its ReWild Mission Bay project, San Diego Audubon is soliciting public input on a restoration plan that will be presented to the City Council.

The year (2015) in stupid bird humor

The Year in Stupid Bird Humor

Audubon California is a serious conservation organization. These posts from 2015 do not reflect that.

New ‘defense’ of suspect gnatcatcher research only undermines case for delisting troubled species

New ‘defense’ of suspect gnatcatcher research only undermines case for delisting troubled species

New information should prompt the USFWS to promptly reject this cynical effort to remove Coastal California Gnatcatcher from the Endangered Species List.

Longtime bird surveyer, Zoe McCormick, is heading to Cornell

Longtime bird surveyer, Zoe McCormick, is heading to Cornell

Exciting news from one of our youth volunteers, Zoe McCormick, who just received her acceptance letter from Cornell University, home of the prestigious Cornell Lab of Ornithology! Since 2012, Zoe has been volunteering at the Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary where she helps conducts bird surveys and leads monthly bird walks.


Western Bluebird wins 2015 Bird of the Year

— Popular Western bird gets more than 30 percent of votes in online poll.
Youth Winter Bird Count in San Rafael

2015 Youth Winter Bird Count in San Rafael

Audubon partnered with Wildcare to bring birding to the community.

No, Outside Magazine, enviros aren't standing in the way of renewable energy

No, Outside Magazine, enviros aren't standing in the way of renewable energy

Online piece by the venerable adventure publication fails to see that we don't have to choose between renewable energy and wildlife protection.

California Fish and Game Commission should grant state endangered species listing to Tricolored Blackbird

California Fish and Game Commission should grant state endangered species listing to Tricolored Blackbird

Audubon California supports decision to protect rare bird, which has declined 44 percent since 2011

Construction ends on Sonoma Creek enhancement project

Construction ends on Sonoma Creek enhancement project

Our gang takes a quick tour of the enhancement project at Sonoma Creek on the last day of work

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