
Ventura pipeline spills 700 barrels of oil

Ventura pipeline spills 700 barrels of oil

Firefighters and hazmat team halt spill's progress toward ocean

Victory for shorebirds and stewards of Ormond Beach

Victory for shorebirds and stewards of Ormond Beach

The City Council of Oxnard passed an ordinance this week that will provide increased protection for Western Snowy Plovers, California Least Terns and other shorebirds at Ormond Beach.

Finding the right fit for renewable energy in the San Joaquin Valley

Finding the right fit for renewable energy in the San Joaquin Valley

Audubon California helps state identify places where new solar power development won't conflict with agriculture or bird habitat.

There's another California Condor chick in the world

There's another California Condor chick in the world

Yesterday, California Condor pair #79 and #374 welcomed a hatchling.

The small town of Newberry Springs—right off Historic Route 66—is home to more than 700 Tricolored Blackbirds

The small town of Newberry Springs—right off Historic Route 66—is home to more than 700 Tricolored Blackbirds

San Bernardino Valley Audubon Society, Audubon California, and local property owners form a partnership to protect the Tricolored Blackbird

Oregon cormorant colony completely collapses amid Army Corps killing

Oregon cormorant colony completely collapses amid Army Corps killing

Controversial culling of cormorants on Oregon's East Sand Island results in the loss of the world's largest Double-crested Cormorant colony.

Joey Graceffa visited the Center

YouTube star Joey Graceffa and his boyfriend Daniel Preda visit Audubon's Debs Park Center to learn about birds.

San Francisco Bay Area voters, the birds need you to vote for Measure AA

San Francisco Bay Area voters, the birds need you to vote for Measure AA

Audubon California Executive Director Brigid McCormack says that birds aren’t the only reason to vote for Measure AA, but they’re a great reason.

Join us to advocate for birds in Sacramento June 8

Join us for Advocacy Day on June 8

Birds can't lobby lawmakers, but you can. Join us as we hit the Capitol to talk with elected officials about issues that matter for birds and nature.

How you can help, right now