
Southern California Audubon chapters band against LA music festival

Southern California Audubon chapters band against LA music festival

The chapters agree that the environmental consequences could far outweigh the benefits of the proposed AngelFest in the Sepulveda Basin.

Following Ventura: can oil spills really be cleaned up?

Following Ventura: can oil spills really be cleaned up?

The cleanup in Ventura is still ongoing, but statistics cast doubt on the ability of oil spill cleanups to save birds.

Birds' striking beauty magnified in new photo book

Birds' striking beauty magnified in new photo book

Deborah Samuel offers a different perspective through her stunning photographs.

Birds with bad attitudes

Birds with bad attitudes

Los Angeles-based artist Matt Adrian, a.k.a. Mincing Mockingbird, paints birds with ... colorful personalities.

Creating Shorebird Habitat on Duck Clubs in the San Joaquin Valley

Creating Shorebird Habitat on Duck Clubs in the San Joaquin Valley

Audubon California partnered with duck clubs in the San Joaquin Valley to provide critical habitat for migrating shorebirds by stretching water through the spring.

Climate bills working their way through California Legislature

Climate bills working their way through California Legislature

Lawmakers are addressing bills to extend California's cap-and-trade system, ban specific pollutants, and embrace the carbon capturing power of natural and agricultural landscapes.

Marcos Trinidad on his love for the Salton Sea

Marcos Trinidad on his love for the Salton Sea

The Debs Park director says he'll do whatever it takes to make sure future generations get the joy he does from this special lake.

What is geothermal power, and how might it save the Salton Sea?

What is geothermal power, and how might it save the Salton Sea?

Geothermal has the potential to be the renewable energy to help humans and birds in the area.

How you can help, right now