
Songs for Survival

Songs for Survival

Zebra Finch use song to teach their young how to survive climate change... before the babies even hatch.

Victory for the Northern Spotted Owl

Victory for the Northern Spotted Owl

California Fish and Game Commission votes in favor of state endangered species listing

Why we're pumped about California Gnatcatchers

Why we're pumped about California Gnatcatchers

It's an important and just plain cool bird, and we are so glad the California Gnatcatcher is remaining a protected species.

Pasadena Audubon's Young Birders Club recognized by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Pasadena Audubon's Young Birders Club recognized by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Federal agency commends youths for efforts to spread the word about the endangered California Condor.

Andrea Jones is fighting for the Salton Sea

Andrea Jones is fighting for the Salton Sea

Audubon California’s Director of Bird Conservation is finding a little help from her friends.

Running on sunshine

Running on sunshine

Debs Park Center hosts solar installation and maintenance workshop

Meet YouTube's resident Bird Nerd

Meet YouTube's resident Bird Nerd

Vlogger Commander Holly has a not-so-secret love for birds.

Reflecting on Shorebirds, Drought, and the Central Valley

Reflecting on Shorebirds, Drought, and the Central Valley

Central Valley Refuges are getting ready for an influx of overwintering shorebirds and waterfowl. Last October, Audubon had folks on the ground monitoring the situation. Fresno Audubon Society offers a look back so we can better understand what may be coming this winter.

Pokemon Go players discover real-world animals in Debs Park

Pokemon Go players discover real-world animals in Debs Park

— Audubon Center at Debs Park helps players capture pokemon, find nature
 Audubon Center at Debs Park strengthens ties with LA Conservation Corps

Audubon Center at Debs Park strengthens ties with LA Conservation Corps

A new grant means that the Corps can help restoration efforts while learning about local ecosystems.

How you can help, right now