
A bold move on lead ammo, for now.

A bold move on lead ammo, for now.

A Jan. 19 directive to phase out the use of lead ammunition on federal wildlife areas is certain to be controversial. It shouldn't be.

Christmas at the Salton Sea

Christmas at the Salton Sea

Doing a Christmas Bird Count at the Salton Sea reveals a great deal about changes at California largest inland lake.

Pacific herring are spawning in San Francisco Bay and the birds are loving it

Pacific herring are spawning in San Francisco Bay and the birds are loving it

Herring are critical food for Pacific Flyway birds in our urban estuary.

Audubon network speaking up for anchovy

Audubon network speaking up for anchovy

Northern anchovy is a little fish that packs a big punch for marine and coastal birds. With stocks hovering at low levels, the Audubon network is working to understand and protect this key forage fish.

Exploring bird habitat in the Colorado River Delta

Exploring bird habitat in the Colorado River Delta

An Audubon team examines what remains, what has been lost, and where there are opportunities to bring habitat back.

Western Sandpiper is an important bird for conservation in California

Western Sandpiper is an important bird for conservation in California

From the Salton Sea to the Central Valley, from Owens Lake to San Francisco Bay -- the Western Sandpiper is in a lot of places Audubon California works.

Ventura Audubon SOARS again

Ventura Audubon SOARS again

The small but mighty southern California chapter scores another victory with the successful passage of Measure C.

Audubon’s work in California’s Central Valley may open opportunities for birds at the Salton Sea

Audubon’s work in California’s Central Valley may open opportunities for birds at the Salton Sea

Can Audubon California’s efforts to support birds on Central Valley farms can be translated to the Imperial Valley?

Nothing like a flyoff at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Nothing like a flyoff at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge

Seeing one of California's great natural wonders is a reminder of how cooperation creates great conservation victories.

Chapter Assembly shows strength of the chapter network

Highlights from the Chapter Assembly

More than 100 chapter leaders from 32 chapters came to Yosemite to learn and share ideas.

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