Plogging at Debs Park!

Ploggers clean up the Audubon Center at Debs Park
Ploggers clean up the Audubon Center at Debs Park

Last Saturday, September 8th, the Audubon Center teamed up with LA Works and community members to clean up Debs Park!  Twenty-one volunteers showed up to do plogging alongside the driveway leading up to the Center and the North Gate on Griffin Avenue.  Plogging is a new Swedish fitness craze, which combines “jogging,” and the Swedish term “plocka upp,” meaning “to pick up trash”—sounds like fun, right?  Ploggers exercised and picked up trash along the 5-mile stretch of Griffin Avenue starting at the North Gate and ending at the Audubon Center at Debs Park courtyard. 

Cleaning up Debs is no easy task.  We were glad to have such an enthusiastic team of college students, families, and neighbors working together for a cleaner Debs!  Sign up for our next plogging event on November 17th today—email for more information.  Bring your friends and your running shoes and lets make our parks a cleaner place!

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