Quercus agrifolia
Coast Live Oak is one of the few native oak trees to California. This tree is a great food source and habitat for birds especially our cavity dwellers such as our woodpecker and wren species. Our hummingbirds are also huge fans of oak trees and seem to prefer them for nesting. The Coast Live Oak provide ample shade and canopy cover, and the older it gets the more creative it can get with its’ branches. Some oak trees can be over 250 years old and exceed a trunk diameter size of 4 meters! They also are staple food source and our California Scrubjays are often found carrying acorns in their beak. Aside from California Scrubjays, our local indigenous community, Tongva, makes a porridge out of the acorns. Come out to Debs Park and catch a glimpse of these magnificent trees, maybe even have a picnic under one or to one of our restoration events to plant one.
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