Seven community volunteers worked on weeding and mulching Rattlesnake Park as part of the Audubon Center at Debs Park's Habitat Enhancement Service Days along the LA River. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and volunteers were greeted by a Singing barn owl.
Volunteers spent the majority of the time weeding, which involved removing dry, non-native grasses from out under the lush Sycamore canopy which characterizes Rattlesnake Park. Thankfully, the week's rain loosened and moistened the soil, which facilitated the removal of weeds - volunteers barely needed tools! Aftre the weeds were removed, we worked together to cover 5 cubic yards of fine mulch, creating a 4 inch layer to retain moisture, provide nutrients, and control weeds. Much of this maintenance protects the natives we planted in the Spring from being taken over by weeds and creates a healthy environment for future plants to continue growing. Some plants, for example, Arroyo Seco Lupine have already finished blooming, currently they have gone to seed - this means that the plant has been pollinated and its seeds are ready to go out into the world!
During this event, we were also joined by the Mountains Recreation Conservation Authority (MRCA). Carlos, an MRCA operations crewmember painted over new graffitti which had been placed in the park. This paint job left the park looking brand new and fresh!
There's always more work to do at all the pocket parks along the LA River "Next steps for Rattlesnake include spreading annual wildflower seeds under the Sycamore canopy during the winter," says Conservation Program Coordinator, Cindy Castaneda. Let's hope that Arroyo Seco Lupine doesn't disappoint!
We hope to see volunteers out at Rattlesnake for our next event on Saturday, June 15th from 9am - 12pm! Don't forget to RSVP by emailing Mika at mperron@audubon.org.

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